PLS Buy-in and GTM alignment exercise

How do you build a convincing case for PLS? By outlining where you currently stand on your goal and doing a little data-backed forecasting on how your playbooks will make a positive impact.

Use the templates below to guide your process and build up your case.


Evaluating goals and GTM motion alignment

  1. Analyze your current goals and how they map to sales motions within your GTM
  2. Assess goal to sales motion fit (does your sales motion make it easier to hit your goals?)
Step Guiding questions
Identifying your North Star metric 1. What is your biggest priority as a business?
  1. What metric represents that goal?
  2. How will you measure it? | | Key challenges you aim to solve | 1. Are there gaps in your current sales workflows that limit influence over your North Star metric?
  3. Are there areas of opportunity to increase efficiency during the customer journey? | | Align sales objectives to North Star Metric | 1. What objectives does sales own that contribute to the company North Star?
  4. How do you measure them?
  5. Assign a concrete number or percentage to each KPI | | Align sales objectives to your sales motions | List all of your sales objectives and think about the types of motions you’re running that work best for each, i.e.sales-assist, self-serve, or outbound. | | Assess your performance and spot areas of opportunity | 1. Are the objectives you listed above, best reached with the sales motions you’re currently running?
  6. Do they help you solve the challenges you’re facing? | | | Map your goals to your current sales motion | | Outline each of your sales KPIs and the strategies your team is using to achieve them | | | Rate your effectiveness. Give yourself a score from 1-5 for each of your KPIs and how your current strategy influences them. | | | Bonus: Start thinking about how you’d like to optimize your current motion. What outcomes are you hoping for? Which motions can help you get there? | |

Internal proposal template

Start building your case to get buy-in for PLS by filling in this worksheet.

Section Guiding questions
Overall hypothesis for PLS “If I _____ then _____ will happen.”
Objective 1. Why are we doing PLS?
  1. How does it help overall company goals, OKRs, or KPIs? | | Strategy | 1. How will we implement PLS?
  2. Who needs to be on the initial team?
  3. What other resources are required? | | Roadmap | 1. What will we deliver in the first 30 days?
  4. What will we deliver in the next 60 days? 90 days?
  5. What key milestones are important? | | Metrics | 1. How will you measure success?
  6. What primary metrics will be impacted?
  7. What secondary metrics will be impacted? | | Costs | 1. Any new resources required?
  8. Any new tools required? | | Expected impact to… | | | GTM team structure | | | Compensation | | | Process | | | Playbooks+Enablement | | | Culture | |

⬅️ Go back: Internal buy-in and alignment for PLS

➡️ Up next: How to create PQL and PQA definitions

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